====================================================================== ok lunaran, i've fixed your site. totally? well, as far as i can tell in IE4 http://students.washington.edu/johnfitz/shite/lunaran.htm shite?!? ====================================================================== I guess my feet and my head are sucking all the hair away from the torso :P ====================================================================== QM: it's from Aardappel's engine its the aardengine using appeltech running on an appel iie stored on the aard drive but that appel is actually running aard hat linux lol hmm, double pun ====================================================================== and decided to create a dream come true so they... my scrotum smells kinda funny ====================================================================== dude, my SD got pulled over SD=padrastro =stepdad as opposed to Sander Dennis whoever that is * Malevola lays off on the silly cuntoring ====================================================================== when you're done, wipe your ass with a jewel case. we can sell it as a mission pack! * metlslime is happy today metlslime: bought bad mission packs lately? friction: contributed to one :) ====================================================================== sock: go read some XSReality forums. those 'pro' gamers are eternal source of amusement :) i mean, they play even T2 because its official. #¤%#. ====================================================================== FERN YOU SUCK MIRICLEGROW! ====================================================================== 2048x1534 is fuckin big .. no, 1536 ====================================================================== * Vondur cuts Fern off from his flowerpot *** Fern is now known as Cactus * Vondur shaves Cactus *** Cactus is now known as Cucumber * Vondur makes nice salad with a Cucumber *** Cucumber is now known as Salad * Vondur falls asleep in Salad *** Salad is now known as Cactus_Again ====================================================================== Registrant: *** nanoSpawn has quit IRC (Excess Flood) ====================================================================== it winds me up that they register a new domain for the shitty sites they throw together half of them are little more than the games 'point release' a basic faq and news written by a 12 year old slave who works for free ====================================================================== Frib: are you a life partner with Peej? ====================================================================== yeah... mostly of Blitz and his ass buddy flaming the board and GrindSpire censoring if they cant play nicely I might have to take away their toys *** Blitz|sangiches has joined #terrafusion speak of the devil me? and you shall hear the clatter of his hooves I kno u wuznt talkin bout me..uh uh haaaaaal NO (black woman voice) - *** Added *!*THan@*.dialinx.net to ignore list - !kick Blitz|sangiches anti camperstrike bot v 0.5 *** Blitz|sangiches was kicked by ChanServ ( anti camperstrike bot v 0.5) ====================================================================== this lego pron is turning me on that scares me url ====================================================================== * Ass slams into AssMagnet ====================================================================== nenuko is stuff for babies tiny asses ====================================================================== JAGO IS SCARY =) he's sitting right next to me ;> EEK! RUN!# who took those photos? you both look so fucking bored! ====================================================================== (abusing nano's l33t spanish d00dsp33k) kreo ke hay una kerubina aki en el kwarto! lololololol (later) una kerubina en el kwarto... i can't understand that... ====================================================================== idsoftware hasn't been updated in like a year ====================================================================== * Aru aru moves his queen and captures fern's rook * Fern sex0rz Aru's queen * Aru sodomizes Fern's Queenie * Fern 's queen is actually a drag queen * Aru screams ====================================================================== ah i have a major area in my head! and its filled with water :) ====================================================================== only on AOL, sadly :) is AOL no a part of internet ? how pathetic hehe no AOL is a proprietary network which offers bad internet access. Half the members don't understand this either, don't worry ====================================================================== is it just me, or is the url www.hotmalebuttsex.com on of the funniest sounding urls ever? Hotmail Buttsex? ====================================================================== CHAT ABOUT MAPPING AND NOT RAPING EACH OTHER ====================================================================== *** KillesDccGimp was kicked by ChanServ ( anti spopr aeternus bot or howeverthefuck you spell it) ====================================================================== so u like this kinda music ex ? i didnt know :P ex answer me :P ex answer me :P what other bands do u like ? :P i dig Jimmy Somerville and Franco Batiato... ^_^' bands? sure... INFATUOUS CHILDRENS OF TOMATO, JOHNNY PEELS HIS POTATO SO WHAT and MORNING HONEY YOU LOOK HORRIBLE ====================================================================== why does google keep appearing in foreign languages!!??? Recherche les pages en Français FUCK OFF ====================================================================== I'm going mad or does triangular cluster portal brushes work better than square ones ? Bal: you are the expert of all triangular, whats up with sock's portals? no ====================================================================== well, not proud of my feacal matter. proud of any work I do, no matter how crap it is ====================================================================== i feel like its 1 am but its 5 am beh goat obed, sun ====================================================================== *** Endy has joined #terrafusion I put the release off for a week waiting on him to fix the hud, then got sick of waiting, I figure I would still be waiting * Endy errrs did i pick a bad time? ====================================================================== avec la buerre bien sur le beurre whatever tu m'embete if ur gonna speak it speak it rite and dont way whatever when som1 corrects u its rude :P ====================================================================== I need rising water * Fern makes his entire level a func_door and lowers it into the water I need sleep ====================================================================== "First of all, while it IS true that I had the enemy flag for over ten minutes without my knowledge as I sniped, this has no bearing on my mother's sexual preferences. My mother, to my knowledge, has always preferred men, at least until the recent medications dulled her sex drive." Fern, I've done that :) ....preferred men? And wondered why half the team was standing beside me as I camped the power sheild :) * RPG whacks Fern with a 10 kilo sack of vibrators oh! ====================================================================== oh. i aint a farmer, but i do have the shotgun, and i can make some pretty weird faces ====================================================================== Paul rams a bunch of bananas up Ferns arse ====================================================================== oh yes... rape is... that naughty thing... sorry! ====================================================================== * CardO watches excessus staring at Rogu3's clenched buttocks lol i can explain... ====================================================================== in team deathmatch people will be like 'camp the HOM bridge' hehe lol (I think Bal kicked my ass after hearing about this) ====================================================================== it's purple what's wrong with that 6 woulda been better it's pink no it's purple and your gamma is too high ====================================================================== can't sleep :( * Lun|WaitingForDownload swings a pocketwatch back and forth in front of Juz's face, then gets tired of that and knocks him unconscious with it ====================================================================== I always do...no one appreciates my genius no one appreciates your femininity either. there's a reason for that. ====================================================================== if it weren't for carmack i might have a life ====================================================================== buy system shock é ): 2 ====================================================================== let's see... if Armstrong was the first man stepping on the moon... who shooted the film??? ====================================================================== the first thing i ever saw, was animal! porn in my grandfathers house ====================================================================== is it just me, or is that penis smiling? ====================================================================== if I were Greek, I'd be gay ====================================================================== scampie I'm thinking reindeer now yessir? ok then on dasher on blitzen on cupien and dancer, on comet and bob, and the rest... and rudolph, the freak ====================================================================== I could easily live without sleep vigil, till you run out of money for speed ====================================================================== * nunuk realizes that he sometimes maps in his brain so much that his wife looks at him in a weird manner wifes are the last thing you would want in order to map properly Uh oh How do you manage it? especially when you've got a kid that goes with it a diper in one hand, a mouse in the other nunuk : What about keyboard shortcuts? no seriously, it's very complicated ====================================================================== !deop ChanServ [Fern] I have found 3 more 24 hour days on Earth. You are stupid and evil. A pity about your mind. Time Cube = Highest Order. ====================================================================== I teach english to a 13 years old boy ====================================================================== Killes, your selling is awful so is yours :P Killes, my typos are awful ====================================================================== but the wife gets mad when I talk like Ph1l around the house even angrier when it's in the bedroom Yaaaaaaaaaa, gimme some sugah baby! Sugah sugah babay! Yaaaa Hhehe ====================================================================== * Fern|stuff is away [stuff] how's the map going fern? Fern|stuff is away cunt ====================================================================== *** metamorph has quit IRC (Ping timeout for []) *** metamorph has joined #terrafusion hi fern heh is that automatic when you join a channel? ====================================================================== i HATE 16 year old chicks wait 5 years ====================================================================== scampie: even when you're awake there's still at least two other drugs floating aroudn :) aroudn aroudn Aroudn IN YOUR FUCKING BLOODSTREAM BITCH LOL yeah. ====================================================================== spog : who gives a fuck, lets instead of worshippign some product of a fucking theory lets worship OURSELVES, the HUMAN RACE, by worshippign ourselves, our well being, our progress ,everythign will fall into place, environment will be took good care of, peopel will be took good care of, we will make progress all this crap abotu religion WORSHIP HUMANS! Killes: Human beings are products of a theory too: the theory of evolution. WORSHIP US< WORSHIP YOU WORSHIP THIS FUCKIGN RACE AND THEN MAYBE WE WILL EGT FUCKIGN SOMEWHERE Killes: heh frn that is dumb thing to say and out of place here :P ====================================================================== THAT'S THE MORE STUPID THING I'VE EVER HEARD ====================================================================== i mean atheism is not a belief, as i said.. i am atheist because i believe in something other than the existence of a god, i don't believe in the non-existence of a god SPoG: okay, if I start believing that #tf doesn't exist, is that a belief that #tf doesn't exist or an absence of the belief that #tf does exist? Fern: i'll have to think about that ====================================================================== 'I cant believe its not Buddha' ====================================================================== ====================================================================== ====================================================================== ======================================================================