This is a collection called IRC LotD. This is an acronym for Internet Relay Chat Llama of the Day. Basicly it's a bunch of quotes and excerpts from conversations that I found amusing.
<SmallPileofGibs> apparently realtime portal culling system is the new portal PVS system
* scampie remembers why he likes to go map while SmallPileofGibs, Aardappel, and Maj_ are in the same room...
<scampie> tooo much insane buzztechnobabbleheadexplosions for me
<RPG> Ah it's not that bad, scampie.
* Maj_ comforts scampie
<Maj_> scampie, just nod and grin
<Aardappel> scampie: then use buzzwords too! its not like we know what the fuck we're talking about, anyway
<Maj_> works for me
* scampie nods :D
*** Tron has quit IRC (Remember kids, everything you masturbate, God kills a kitten!)
<czg> everyTHING you masturbate?
<czg> oh no, I just sensually touched a bottle. I wonder if a kitten died
<RPG> We must get someone to judge the 100B contest!
* RPG looks at Lun
<zippie> i bet ChanServ would do it, he's bored all day
<RPG> !8ball will you judge the 100B contest?
<ChanServ> RPG: Absolutely not.
<RPG> Doh!
*** Ravenz has joined #qblood
<Ravenz> my friend made this game
<Ravenz> his name is greg
<Ravenz> he likes penis
*** Ravenz has quit IRC
<RPG> heheheh
<killj0y> daz you are a skinny little shitling
<DaZ> hehe
<DaZ> well, better thin than fat imo
<killj0y> depends how you wear it
<RPG> DaZ, I have a phat cock but that.. oh wait, different word.
*** CardO has joined #TERRAFUSION
<CardO> BIBG!
<CardO> erm
<CardO> BING!
<CardO> lemme start again
*** CardO has left #TERRAFUSION
*** CardO has joined #TERRAFUSION
<CardO> BING!
<scampie> Maj_: go find my Rainbow Brite pr0n
<scampie> er
<scampie> Maj_: go find me Rainbow Brite pr0n
* stonepony just got done sodding the back yard
* stonepony cries uncontrollably
<RPG> Dood... if you're that desperate for sex, go get a whore.
* Speed` renames RPG to GPR
<RPG> General Percentage Rate? That just doesn't have the ring that Rectal Pain Generator does.
<metlslime> Gas-Powered Rectopenetrator
<CardO> rectopenetrator.. nice
<CardO> well maybe nice isn't the right word
<RPG> metlslime, what's in the pic? Some persons are sitting behind me...
<metlslime> it's an a55 orgy
<GomJabbar> RPG: nothing too harsh ;)
<RPG> Erm, I suppose I'll put that in my list of sites to visit later.
<metlslime> rpg: no, it's clean!
<RPG> metlslime, like I'd trust you...
<metlslime> that hurts me, rpg
<RPG> metlslime, if I told you to go to would you go?
<metlslime> rpg: no, unless they have new pics.
*** BAFU is now known as Bal
<boat> You people eat too much.
<Bal> ?
<boat> I rely soley on my fat reserves.
<boat> Boy, I tell ya, my manboobs could keep me alive for maybe 5 months.
* boat goes to hybernate.
<biff> hay -- I need to eat too
<boat> Biff: Get your own.
<Tron> what features does chanserv have?
* Tron pokes chanserv
*** Paul|reallysleeping has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Paul|reallysleeping[])
<RPG> Yeah, he causes Paul's AOL account to go b0rk when ChanServ is poked.
<Tron> lol
<RPG> That's just one of the many useful features.
<Tron> damn non-geeks taking over the digital domain!
<Starbuck> how many brushes exactly? =)
<DaZ> lol
<RPG> Starbuck, 100, of course. :)
<Starbuck> rpg: you noticed that some 100b competitors used like 94 brushes in the past? =)
<RPG> Starbuck, yeah.
<Starbuck> so foolish
<Starbuck> 6 brushes...thats 3 phalluses!
<DaZ> lol
<Starbuck> j/k, please dont kill me
<DaZ> or 6 phalusses if you build them right :)
<Starbuck> or 12 if you're not too well endowed
<Aiko> Aaaarrrggghhh.
<Aiko> Where'd my extra dialup modem go.
<Aiko> Must... sell...
<boat> It grew rocket propulsion engines and blasted off towards Uranus.
*** RPG is now known as RPG|testtesttest
<RPG|testtesttest> There are Klingons around your anus!
<boat> ...
<Aiko> Figures.
<boat> Get away from there, RPG.
<Aiko> They better not be cloaked.
<Aiko> Cloaking devices disrupt my anal field.
* boat never knew RPG was a Klingon.
<boat> The EVIL Klingon brothers, RPG, and his slightly less evil twin, Anal Discomfort Producer.
* boat genetically alters Aiko, merging his DNA with that of a rabid RPG.
>Shadow|compile> oh... :)
* Asurfael ties Aiko down to her bed and rapes Aiko
>boat> Ew...
>Aiko> And so, that's the story of how Santa Claus saved the Jews from Hitler!
* biff is listening to The Biff Debris Orchestra - The RPG Theme Music
RPG> heheh
<biff> hehe there =)
<CardO> hehe
<biff> U need to hear that Card
<boat[noIRC]> RPG Theme Music sounds like some sort of Gay Pr0n soundtrack.
<biff> LOL
<biff> it does
<boat[noIRC]> And I don't mean chicks.
<biff> hehehe
<mal> bal - so, when can I have your dirty little mailbox children, you steamy french lovemachine?
<Bal> anytime
<CoconutHairdo> Pauk is the disgruntled Teletubby who never made it past the auditions as Spanky-Wanky
<Pauk> hehe
<Pauk> i was black coloured with white stains
<RPG> White stains from where the other Teletubbies jizzed on you?
<ProdigyXL> thats kinda hot
* CoconutHairdo has horrible visions
* Pauk farts on RPG
<Maj> chanserv has thighs like steel
<RPG> I wouldn't know.
<nanoSpawn> uhm maj, have you already tried to rape ChanServ?
<Maj> not lately
<Pauk> can anyone suggest hosting that'll has shitloads of space and is free?
<Maj> Pauk, than's arse?
<Vigil> Paul : You've decided to turn into a woman/man?
<metlslime> vigil: he's narrowed it down to those two choices
<GrindSpire> Where'd the useless French sod go?
*** Bal has joined #TERRAFUSION
<than|dullc0dingshite> lol
<BalDrawing> once u have a nice nekkid lady drawn
<BalDrawing> its quite hard to convince oneself to draw clothings/stuff on her
<Auhsan> draw a ugly one then
<BalDrawing> hehe, good idea
<BalDrawing> then u want to draw those fast =)
* RPG starts a "Fern for mapping!" campaign
<Fern> I would prefer a "mapping for Fern
<Fern> campaign
<RPG> Well, I am. You need to reciprocate and map for me!
<scampie|clerks> !kick RPG kick RPG campaign!
*** You were kicked by ChanServ (kick RPG campaign! (scampie|clerks))
*** Rejoined channel #TERRAFUSION
*** scampie|clerks has left #TERRAFUSION
<RPG> Erm...
<Fern> that was a short campaign
<Bal> hi btw
<Friction> Overcocking
<Friction> Sexual acts that include the use of heatsinks, fans, and rounded cables.
* Lun puts the "Show Desktop" shortcut on his desktop
<Vigil> charon : Whoa, so you actually talk to people offline?
<Vigil> How is it like?
<than> heh, I'e got a degree to fuck up boys, I'm going to go code :)
<than> er
<than> that sounded really sick
<czg> yes
<than> there should have been a comma there
<than> heh, I'e got a degree to fuck up, boys, I'm going to go code :)
<czg> like "hang him not wait for me"
<czg> only worse
<czg> because than is a boy molestor
* metlslime spreads glDepthButter on his panquake
<Vigil> Hey, the ligths are flashing on my modem, does that mean I'm being hacked?
<RPG> Vigil, nah, it means goat pr0n is transfering at maximum speed.
<Bal> yes
<TTimo> it's gonna explode
<RPG> Don't listen to TTimo!
<Bal> run for cover
<RPG> It's teh goat pr0n!
<metlslime> i'm metlslime
<RPG> Oh? I wouldn't have guessed.
<Pauk> hi, i'm ed winchester
<Friction> Hi, I'm the Del Monte man
<Pauk> good, how are your oranges? :P
<Friction> peachy
<Pauk> thats not good
<Friction> working on that still
<M4j> spog, make sure to give than a prod
<M4j> he's currently considering prostitution due to the lack of game jobs available
<SmallPileofGibs> m4j: i'm afraid i can't give him any prostitution jobs
<M4j> but... isn't that what working for EA is?
* xen|sm36 switches to XenCam to add the final armour
<RPG> XenCam? Is that like one of those cams you stick up your ass or something?
<Fern> son of a bitch, the website for my favorite hardcore BAND is now hardcore PORN!
<Bal> must... cut... hair!
* RPG gives Bal a machete
<Bal> yes!
<Bal> no!
* Bal gets his lawn mower
* Bal prays for his modem not to turn off now
* Asurfael kicks Bal's modem'
*** Bal has quit IRC (Read error to Bal[]: Connection reset by peer)
<Asurfael> oh
<Asurfael> it worked! ;)
<RPG> See!
<[M]DruZli> u kicked to hard:Ş
<Friction> =)
<RPG> Look what you've gone and done!
<Asurfael> *shame*
<scampie|store> btw: bottles of flavored sugar are bad for you k?mmthx
<RPG> Yeah. They rot your teeth faster than CardO's jizm.
<biff> and u should know RPG?
<RPG> Erm, um... There's no right answer for this, is there?
<biff> hehe prolly not
<scampie> Assume a life span of 50 years (constant consumption of caffeine has got to have some ill effects)
<scampie> Assume 4 cans consumed per hour (the lower consumption during infancy can be balanced by higher consumption later in life).
<scampie> Assume a 17 hour day (eventually, a tolerance will be built up to caffeine)
<scampie> 17*365.25*4*50 = 1,241,850 cans of Mountain Dew can theoretically be consumed in one lifetime.
<scampie> 1,241,850 cans * 12 oz/can * 1 gallon/128oz = 116,423 gallons of Dew
*** scampie is now known as scampie|store
<biff|GTA3> man, hes gonna have to piss so BAD...
* Kazashi yawns and stretches
* scar3crow stretches a ball of yawn and notices the correlation
* Kazashi playfully bats at the ball of yawn
* stonepony modified his butthole to poop squares
<Asaki[UQC]> ...
<RPG> Nice
* stonepony stacks them neatly
* stonepony continues stacking his poop... organised by size and composition
*** Blitz|back has joined #terrafusion
<CardO> mmmm penis
<Blitz|back> is it penis time already? man the day flies
* stonepony has poor judgment after 30 hours of staring at irc
<metlslime> stonepony: the fact that you stared at irc for 30 hours demonstrates that the poor judgement was already present.
* scampie|SD3 remebers he's supposed to be playing seiken densetsu 3
<Asaki[map]> SD3 0wnz =)
<RPG> SD3 = Sodomite Drunkards 3?
<Bal> rofl
<Asaki[map]> RPG * scampie|SD3 remebers he's supposed to be playing seiken densetsu 3
<RPG> Ah
<RPG> I see
<scampie|SD3> it's got a chick who has a move where she wiggles her butt then blows a kiss that hurts the baddies!
<metlslime> scampie: just like real life!
<than> RPG!
<RPG> than?
<than> I thought you were going to start a thread about a q1coop map pack?
<RPG> I am
<RPG> Still writing it
<RPG> I am teh s4wl
<than> ah, ok :)
<RPG> See?
<Fern> I wish my penis had skins
<Koolio> [18:27] -AuthServ- I recognize you. I beat you up the other day didn't I?
<Koolio> 0h n0
* Koolio hides
* Riot has two bottles of Sam Adams left and no fridge...
<Riot> and class in 2 hours
* Riot grabs his bottle opener
<RPG> "When Paul the lab technician was discovered by three pupils looking at some of the most unorthodox sex the net has to offer; fistings, animals, and combinations of the two, he gave us the biggest smile I've ever seen, as if to say "great stuff, eh?", and carried on saving the pictures onto a floppy disc. This all seemed very wrong."
<RPG> Paul Healey perhaps? ;)
<Skleros> :>
<CardO> haha
<CardO> no doubt :)
<CardO> animal fisting.. da fuk?
<BlackPope> I got worried once... a popup for a mini digicam had no pics of a cute girl
<BlackPope> i was left confused
* RectalPainGenerator warmly embraces Asurfael and implies several nefarious sexual activities
<Asurfael> :D
<nanoSpawn> ugh
* nanoSpawn covers his eyes
*** Ravyn[fearme] is now known as Ravyn
* Ravyn removes his deity tag
<CardO> why did i read that as dirty fag?
<than> when was the last speedmap session?
<bear> 452 BC
<czg> that's in 10 hours
<czg> you're not gary larson
<Nekroe> czg... how the fuck do you know?
<czg> because I'm gary larson
<Nekroe> when any of yous were at high school, did any idiots ever knee you in the arse, and go: 'YOUVE JUST BEEN BOOFED UP THE ARSE BY AN ELEPHANT!'?
<than> when I was at high school, some elephants came up behind me and stuck their dicks in my ass and said "YOU'VE JUST BEEN KNEE'D IN THE ARSE BY A HIGH SCHOOL KID!!"
<Nekroe> mmm. clever
<than> I didn't think it was clever. I thought it was a bit juvenile. Those elephants should have known better
<Friction> tip: never sneeze and fart at the same time.
<monsto> Friction: i sneezed and came during a blowjob once.
<Friction> monsto: :)
<monsto> wad jumped about 20 ft across the room.
<Friction> mo-mo-mo-monster spooge
<monsto> it was like that all about mary movie "where the fuck did it go?"
<monsto> it was across the room on her roomates desk lamp.
<Nekroe> ROAR... Im a robot prostitute from the future!
<than> roar! I'm a big robo pimp from the future
<than> haha, you are my bitch, Nekroe!
<than> the makers of m&ms used to claim they didn't melt in your hands
<than> which was clearly bollocks
<than> they also melted when I clenched them betwixt my buttocks
* BlackPope would hit his gf, but then she'd just get turned on
<BlackPope> and that would leave me confused
<RPG> Grrr
<RPG> Whenever I need someone, they are not to be found.
<scar3crow> i must be around a lot
<czg|optimistic> I want a rocket penis condom mod
<nanoSpawn> that would 0wn
<czg|optimistic> where you go about firing condoms with the rocketlauncher onto other peoples rocketlaunchers clogging them up and making them explode unless you shove it into special "holes"
<DaZ> wtf
<DaZ> lol
<czg|optimistic> rpcQuake would own
<RPG> I love you, Vondur
<Vondur> i love you too, bastard
<Apollo> im not an idiot
<Apollo> im just a pschyo
<Apollo> which cant speel to boot
<Apollo> rofl
* NotoriousRay killes zippie
<NotoriousRay> KILLS
* NotoriousRay dies
<zippie> well i couldnt care less for gameplay on my current maps
<zippie> just add random items to increase r_speeds
<Mindcrime> #TF people are poster children for the Prozac industry
*** Killes has joined #TERRAFUSION
<BalDrawing> !kb killes NO!
*** ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*Caffeine@212.53.*.*
*** Killes was kicked by ChanServ (NO! (BalDrawing))
<Friction> Whats up with red warning lights. Alien 4 had blue warning lights onboard Auriga, and the movie sucked. Maybe there is a connection.
<biff> I hate this fucking TN weather: 20 degrees in the morning, 60 in the evening!
<biff> Its INSANE, I tells y
<scampie|cat_killer> biff: you think that's strange? in Maine, we have a saying... "Don't like the weather? Wait around for 10 mins"
*** scampie|cat_killer is now known as scampie
<biff> Well, were getting some of that Maine strangeness
<Asaki[MetroidII]> Here in MI, we have a saying... "Don't like the weather? Wait around for 10 mins"
<biff> Except we say, "Think it sucks now? Give it a half-hour."
<Asaki[MetroidII]> They have that saying in Chicago, too.
<scampie> snows 1 day, 60 the next, fog then some hail
<biff> I see copyright infringment
<Lun> ooh!
<Lun> ooh!
<Lun> I can go get a haircut!
* Lun looks at the clock
<Lun> yes!
<Lun> hair cut hair cut!
<Lun> woooooo!
* Lun dances
<RPG> Is haircut slang for wank?
<Lun> no
<Asaki[lje]> I went into a goth chat room once...everyone was talking about anal rape and poop.
<Asaki[lje]> Some dude was talking about how his wife left him cause he had bad poop.
<Asaki[lje]> And then I left.
<Asaki[lje]> And I've never looked at goths the same way again.
<zzjzz> bal we need a new map from u
<zzjzz> my mom called me and said "when is the next map from bal coming out?"
<zzjzz> i didnt know what to say
<Bal_> lol
<Bal_> yeah, she left me a couple messages on my answering machine
<MisYu|missp1> safe my unsaved map!
<MisYu|missp1> save
<MisYu|missp1> pheheh
<MisYu|missp1> mapping do damage of brain
<RPG> I love it when QER performs an illegal operation
<Maj> it's because it loves you
<Maj> and has no other way to express its love
* RPG moans and performs an illegal operation in Maj's ear
<Maj> which is why wc is such a slut
* RPG watches the BSoD run down Maj's neck
<Maj> and the less you save your map, the more she loves you
*** Maj is now known as Maj|lisphead
* Maj|lisphead strikes RPG down with the power of CODE
<RPG> If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
<Maj|lisphead> your mapping powers are week, old man
<Maj|lisphead> week?
<Maj|lisphead> bleh
<RPG> Your spelling powers are weak, old man.
* Maj|lisphead extends his penis
<Maj|lisphead> *zhooooom*
* RPG extends his penis
<RPG> Mind is longer than yours!
<RPG> -d+e
* Maj|lisphead STRIKES rpg
<Maj|lisphead> *zhroooooooawm*
* RPG cloapses into a pile of sp00ge
* Maj|lisphead pokes the sp00ge with his gigantic member
* RPG gives Maj AIDS
<Maj|lisphead> AIEEE!
<E-werd> 64 grib?
<E-werd> grid even
<Apollo> yeah
<E-werd> thats huge
<Apollo> get yer style
<E-werd> thats gigantic
<Apollo> uhm no
<Apollo> its not
<RPG> 64 = tiny
<metlslime> 64 is like 400 meters
<metlslime> which is about 6 feet.
<zippie|geo> that knife in rtcw is really fun, its like trying to slice bread when you have parkinson or something...wonder if it has some mechnanism in the grip than makes it poke really fast...
<BlackPope> man tampons are expensive
<Asaki[ScI]> ...
<Dietz|busy> uh k
<BlackPope> my gf is like 'buy me a box'
<Dietz|busy> 324@#%!#@%@#%
<BlackPope> so I'm like oooooookay...
<Dietz|busy> thats fucking sick man
<BlackPope> 20$ later
<Asaki[ScI]> Oh, I thought you meant MAN TAMPONS ;D
<BlackPope> man tampons?!
<Dietz|busy> lol
<Asaki[ScI]> ;D
<Asaki[FixinG]> I'd better take my bike.
<BlackPope> no airports
<Asaki[FixinG]> Uh am I gonna land my bike?
<MisYu> what does "s4wk" mean? sucked here :/
<biff|WC> my mom needs to shave
<CardO> BIFF!
<CardO> that's gross1
<CardO> !!
<biff|WC> CARDO!
<biff|WC> LOL
<CardO> u shouldn't be looking down there :(
<CardO> eww
<biff|WC> OOH!
* CardO feels sick
<CardO> lol
<BlackPope> mom's have pubes?
*** Fern changes topic to 'New Q1SP pack - || <--- BloodBath 0.90 released || <-- #tf anime! || U MADE ME THINK OF MY MOM"S PUBES!'
<CardO> ROFL
<BlackPope> I thot they fall off at pregnancy
<biff|WC> OOOOK!
<biff|WC> I have to wash my brain....
<RPG> DaMaul, are you going to change your name now? Or will DaMaul Industries remain DaMaul Industries?
<DaMaul> RPG: I hope you realise that I dont respond to stupid questions
<biff> LOL
<RPG> I believe you just did.
<biff> LOL
<Fern> dag. some guy in NY hit 19 people with a buick regal. I wonder if there's some sort of bonus round for that.
<scampie> lens flare = the pinicle of human evolution
<BlackPope> I've witnessed cats humping rabbits... that was a funny sight indeed
<Asaki[guitar]> Heheh.
<Asaki[guitar]> We used to have gay rabbbits, so we traded them in, and managed to get lesbian rabbits. Go figure.
<BlackPope> lazbunnies
<Apollo_> ....
<BlackPope> lez
<Apollo_> " rabbits change sex in a single sex environment. The rabbitsaurs are breeding"
<Apollo_> i was defacating in my lavatory just now, when my thoughts turned to Killes
<czg> hhow nice
<Apollo_> I dont know why, it wasnt as if i had diarhoea or anything
<Apollo_> it was just and average or garden shit
<BlackPope> I find holding my shit until im about to burst reminds me of Killes
<Apollo_> well of killes talking at any rate
<Asaki[guitar]> You have mIRC in your lavatory?
<Shallow[BAP]> BP: Anal discomfort reminds you of killes? I find this mostr disturbing...
<Mindcrime> You know
<Mindcrime> Buttcheeks are like tits without nipples
<RPG> LOL. Friction is weird. :)
<Asurfael> :P
<nanoSpawn> is rpg: do you really discover that now?
<Ihatewhenpeopletakemynick> :-p
<nanoSpawn> how do you think friction finds those links?
<nanoSpawn> whle he's looking for llamas, of course
<RPG> Yeah
<Asurfael> it's one weird fetish, those llamas.
<nanoSpawn> well
<charon> he pays a group of canibals to sit on the floor upside down and nake while being beat by thousands of midgets painted neon purple
<charon> eventually they scream random URLs
<RPG> Ever notice how the things you really want are on the bottom, usually in a hard-to-reach location?
<RPG> The vagina for example.
* Fern farts
<RPG> Fern, when plants have flatulence, what kind of gas is it? Oxygen?
<Fern> ozone
<Apollo> eugh
<Fern> that's not a gas
<RPG> Um...
<Friction> sure it is. heat it enough.
<Fern> ....
<metlslime> heh
<Apollo> who said anything about gas?
<Fern> yes but how does the plant surfive farting a superheated mineral?
<DaZ> wtf!
<Friction> Fern: it doesn't. ever seen a farting plant, huh?
<Fern> oh. crap.
* Fern dies
<RPG> Well at least this half of the map won't need too much touching up...
<metlslime> oh, is that the half you are going to delete?
<Fern> weight loss spam....
<Fern> fat chick spam...
<Fern> if there's such a market for fat chicks, who's going for weight loss?
<Nekroe|wc> i ride a sheep
<killazontherun> if I ever goto melbourne, and see some weirdo riding a sheep, i'll wave ok!
<Electro> killaz: that could be any one of his relatives ;)
<killazontherun> he didn't say his relatives ride sheep
<Electro> bah.. it'd run in the family surely
<Nekroe|wc> no the rest of my family ride goatz
*** Bal is now known as Bal|fg
<MoP> bal, you need to do something which can be expressed by "rog"
<MoP> then you can be Bal|rog
<Bal|fg> heh
*** Asurfael is now known as Bal
<metlslime> that or something that can be expressed by 'sak'
<Bal> buahhahhahha, and i'm never giving this nick back! ;)
*** Bal is now known as Asurfael
<Bal|fg> lol
<metlslime> never sure is a long time.
<Asurfael> yea ;)
<MoP> evidently not
<MoP> never can now be defined as "under 30 seconds"
<RPG> I'll have to be quite careful now when I use "never"
<MoP> yep
<Fern|communistchina> Come watch me shake my **** :)
<Fern|communistchina> oops, wrong window
<Riot> that was traumatizing
<CardO> suck my dick pervert
<DaZ> argh, how hard to ppl wanna make it to buy a geforce3 online... :/
<MisYu> hi DaZ
<RPG> DaZ, quite difficult
<DaZ> fucking nowhere sells the one I want!
<MisYu> you're fucking vulgar
* MisYu smacks DaZ
<goetz> metlslime is that u ?
<goetz> i thought u were male
<metlslime> i'm a hot japanese girl
<Auhsan> woa
<Auhsan> I love you metlslime
<metlslime> this explains why i never get laid, after all, who wants to have sex with a hot japanese girl?
<metlslime> nobody. I wish i was one of those skinny white computer geeks. They get all the sex.
<Auhsan> from their hands
<metlslime> heh
* metlslime cries
<Starbuck|sbdm1> y'know, assassinate is a gay word and i never even noticed
<Starbuck|sbdm1> it has the word ASS in it twice ffs
<CardO> haha oh yeah
<CardO> ASS ASS!
<CardO> sounds german
<Starbuck|sbdm1> ASS ASS inate sounds more like anal rape than murder =)
<RPG> RPGSP2: Giant Testicles Abound
<Vigil> Wouldn't surprise me
<RPG> The first thing I made? A giant penis that's a windtunnel.
<Friction> Normal mappers use elevators, RPG uses ejaculators
<LTH|yawn> bah
<LTH|yawn> i cant find any easy iq tests
<LTH|scab> hmmm, cigarettes - the only reason to smoke is to stop the craving for more cigarrettes - plus a 50-50 chance of dying makes smoking one of the stupidest addictions to have
<LTH|scab> at least get addicted to something worthwhile like smack or something
* stonepony walks in with a doom shurt on
* biff walks in with a Quake II skirt on
<Fern> OOPS
<Fern> scampioe
<Fern> scampoe
<scampie> ...
<scampie> yes?
<Fern> I forget
<CardO> lol
<scampie> ...
* scampie|gta3 sucks at 'taking out' people
* RPG takes out scampie|gta3
<RPG> You gotta keep 'em seperated
<scampie|gta3> everytime i go to shoot people, they kill me :D
<scampie|gta3> shit
<scampie|gta3> acciedentally tried to hijack a police car
<scampie|gta3> doh :D
<killazontherun> hahha, always picking on da shrimp!
<RPG> I shall repeat:
<miikka> awfully quiet in here.
<Shallow[BAP]> shh
<miikka> ah.
<Shallow[BAP]> you'll wake them
<miikka> are they dangerous when they are awake?
<Shallow[BAP]> yes
<Shallow[BAP]> very
* RPG mass murders all web browsers
<miikka> oh no
<RPG> That was quite ironically timed. That was not intentional.
<MisYu> stonepony, are you from deathrow?
<d12-stonepony> yes misyu
<d12-stonepony> yep
<MisYu> hi Thresh
<MisYu> you're llama
<RPG> Christina, ah la la la la, Christina, I love you so
<d12-stonepony> mmmmmmmmmmk
<RPG> stoned: j00 are the s4wk!
<RPG> BTW, do you know what that means yet?
<Auhsan> =D
<d12-stonepony> i think its europe slang for suck maybe
<d12-stonepony> never can tell with you people though ;)
<RPG> J00 ARE the s4wk!
<RPG> CardO, speaking of the pic, I have very dark brown hair, BTW :)
<RPG> CardO, no need to change it, though :)
<CardO> yeah, well obviously RPG. i had to account for the amount of semen that had been placed into your hair
<Bal> if i dont go empty myself my bum is going to explode and redecorate the back of this room
<Bal> hmmm
* Maj snuggles Bal
* Bal|away takes maj to the toilets with him, in case theres no more toilet paper
<Friction> what has he been eating? dynamite?
* Maj giggles
<Maj> Bal wubs me so much
<Idlecrime> I am a big bald ex-bouncer at 6'4, 220 lbs., who likes to collect sharp things
<Idlecrime> People don't fuck with me
<Idlecrime> well, 6'3 1/2
<Idlecrime> I was 6'4 when I had hair
<Friction> All i know about sex i learned from the internet. Before you can have any, you must first provide a valid credit card number.
<ELEK> Fric: Unless a thousand little ads pop up under the sheets
<Starbuck> "i cant have sex now, im downloading quicktime 5" =)
<Friction> ELEK: i wonder why pr0n sites don't run x10 cam ads. perfect for stalkers :)
<ELEK> So is the X10 a bad camera?
<stonepony|mapping> am i gay if i get a boner when i poop?
<killjoy> man
<killjoy> that girls ass can jiggle
<killjoy> er
<killjoy> not your daughter
<killjoy> looking at porn sorry
*** RPG|testx0r is now known as RPG
<Starbuck> speaking of phallic metaphors, hi rpg!
<RPG> Remember that day we played pool? I saw your bedroom and we ate barbeque.
<CardO> how sweet :]
<CardO> RPG, remember that day we did anal for 4hrs straight, then ur mum walked in and spanked me with a slipper? then we ate barbeque
<Killes> im uber leet and smart
<Killes> and uber goth
* ELEK stares at Goetzenzar.......
<Goetzenzar> elek: u seem to have some sort of pain in that picture
* ELEK keeps staring at his pain
<Goetzenzar> perhaps u looked on camera automatic counter
<Goetzenzar> :p
<Goetzenzar> uhm next time dont try to look scary, u look like a muppet :p
<Starbuck> elek: you look like you are about to eat human flesh, stop it
* ELEK considers starbuck for his next meal
<Ravyn> lol
<Ravyn> that pic is scary
<RPG> ELEK, I guess you don't need to dress for Halloween
<Ravyn> he IS halloween
<RPG> hahaha
<ELEK> nope
<NotoriousRay> thats what chive overdose does to people :(
<ELEK> yessir
<RPG> heheh
<NotoriousRay> that announcement sponsored by public association against chive abuse
<Goetzenzar> i ve read chick overdose lol :p
* Ravyn goes out to get some chives
<NotoriousRay> noone ever says 'i wanna be a chive junky when i grow up'
<Ravyn> HEHE
<Paul|PHP> i've never overclocked anything, but i've never had any trouble... well except that gf
<Paul|PHP> but that was to do a manufacturing problem on mobo :)
<NotoriousRay> mm overclocked girlfriends
<CardO> my ass can transfer data faster and hold less shit than 3d downloads
<CardO> rpg? why would i be logging?
<RPG> Friction, okay. Sorry :)
<RPG> CardO, so you could send me IRC LotDs
<CardO> but i never log. :)
<RPG> CardO, I thought you loved me? :(
<CardO> i do :)
<CardO> doesn't mean i log
* RPG impales CardO on RPG's mighty log
<CardO> hehe
<CardO> christmas log?
<RPG> Yule log
* Ravyn has Yule logs when he eats too much dressing
<NotoriousRay> wtf how do you remember all that stuff i said about your map RPG
<RPG> NotoriousRay, I have a mind like an elephant
<NotoriousRay> and the penis too?
<RPG> As a matter of fact, yes
* Vigil wipes gibbie's ass with tickets to LotR
<RPG> Mmm... LotR...
<charon> I don't think they would accept them now vigil
* Vigil wipes charon's ass with gibbie
<Drannerz> there's a lack of twat in #tf
<DaZ> yo!
<Drannerz> good timing
<DaZ> fuck you :)
<LTH> look paul, we're talking here, you can ass-rape him later, ok?
<RPG> d12-stonepony, you are the s4wk
<Bal> no rpg
<Bal> d12-stonepony, u are teh supermegas4wk
<ELEK> RPG: Show stonepony what RPG stands for will ya?
<d12-stonepony> is sawk like canadian for somthing?
<RPG> d12-stonepony, j00 are the über s4wk
<Bal> ooh, nice rpg
*** RPG is now known as RectalPainGenerator
<RectalPainGenerator> This is what RPG means
*** RectalPainGenerator is now known as RPG
<d12-stonepony> ack
<RPG> d12-stonepony, j00 are the über s4wk
<ELEK> go sit next to himm
<Bal> yaaa
<czg|chromatronsucks> not RectalPleasureGenerator?
<d12-stonepony> eurobonics
<Bal> dont say words i dont understand or i kill u
<d12-stonepony> depends if you like it or not i guess
* d12-stonepony hears crickets
<RPG> No entry found for eurobonics in the dictionary
<d12-stonepony> what is s4wk
<RPG> d12-stonepony, you
<Bal> u dont know the s4wk!?!?!
<d12-stonepony> i'm assumoing its slang for somthing in europe
<Bal> hahaha, u s4wk
<Bal> rofl
<RPG> d12-stonepony, you ARE the s4wk!
<d12-stonepony> ebonics = slang.... eurobonics 8/
* d12-stonepony thaught it was funny
<Bal> u are the ultimate s4wk
<Starbuck> hey but bal you told me i was *cries*
<Bal> Starbuck, u lost ur place
<Bal> now its this stoned pony person here
<Starbuck> damn it i must get back to my previous suckage glory
* d12-stonepony is new you guys are like hazing me or somthing
<Friction> sock|map: you should add an EULA forbidding the usage of your skyboxes in shitty maps
<czg> anyone got any fun to look at? Because I've been on my round and there's nothign to laugh at
<RPG> czg, if you beg me nicely I might update my IRC LotD with 3 or so new quotes
* Paul|away hands czg a mirror
<than> go and watch that vid of the guy getting raped by a donkey :)
<than> that always makes me laugh
<than> and cringe
<scampie> the man is my hero
<Starbuck> rpg: sexual activity? =)
<Starbuck> rpg: and thats not an offer
<Grahf> use limewire: you can find tons o' shit, but it eats bandwidth like a motherfucker
<Friction> Grahf: i like bearshare better than limeware. both are gnutella, but bearshare is by far superior client
<Grahf> hmm, there's no Mac version of bearshare last i checked :\
<killjoy> bears are under license from Damaul Industries
<killjoy> their EULA prevents sharing via electronic media
*** Killes has joined #TERRAFUSION
<RPG> Speaking of winos...
<Grahf> i'm on cable, and it's only coming in at 10k/s, so don't feel to bad
<Killes> IM SEXY
<Grahf> hehe rpg
<Killes> 24/24 7/7 KILEES IS BACK!
<Grahf> good evening, killes
<Killes> haahahahahahahahha
<Killes> ADSL
<Killes> YAHA!
* Killes thoroughly smacks Bal around with the doom chainsaw.
* Killes thoroughly smacks Bal around with the doom chainsaw.
* Killes thoroughly smacks Bal around with the doom chainsaw.
<Paul> !kickban Killes yeah right smart arse
*** ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*Enieffac@212.53.*.*
*** Killes was kicked by ChanServ (yeah right smart arse (Paul))
<Paul|moh> sigh, i try to go to, but type in
<Bal> did it lead u anywhere paul? =)
<Paul|moh> fortunately not :)
*** ELEK has joined #TERRAFUSION
<LTH> hi elek
<ELEK> Merry New Year Bitches!
<ELEK> hi LTH!
<RPG> ELEK, yeah? Where? I don't see any merry new year bitches.
<ELEK> they are over here
<ELEK> with me
* ELEK snaps a thong
<ELEK> see
<Bal> heh
<RPG> ELEK, no, that's just Shambler and Killes in disguise
<LTH> heheh
<ELEK> damnit
<ELEK> well, Shambler has a great ass!
<DaZ> >_<
<DaZ> bit hairy innit?
<ELEK> nope
<ELEK> smooth
<DaZ> shaven Shambler lol
<LTH> you guys disgust me
<Fr3n> I don't enjoy porn ;P
<NotoriousRay> i enjoy it enough for the both of us then fern
<Fr3n> ...
<Fr3n> how considerate
<NotoriousRay> i know :D
<Paul> NotoriousRay=pr0n monster
<Drannerz> NotoriousRay: haven't you heard? I'm DaZ's penis.
<MisYu> damn, I hate pr0nspammers
<MisYu> that's why I deleted ICQ
<Paul> thats why i got ICQ
<gibbie> I have hom in my map!
<Wolub> gibbie: you have a homo running around your map ? is it rpg?
<Vondur> Paul|ZzZzZ! you rock, bastard!
<Killes> bal, how do u say deja vue in english ?
<Bal> Killes, u dolt, u say it deja vu =)
<Grahf> killes: YOU DON'T
<BlackPope> hmmm my finger smells like gurly parts